
Welcome to the website for Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Class of 1962.

We had a highly successful reunion in October 2022 that is now a fond memory for many of us. We are leaving the text and links that we put up before the reunion, so that people can explore to see what happened. 

As of February 2024, the Reunion Committee is still meeting!  We are undertaking a project to collect up-to-date info for as many classmates as we can find, for an online and/or print "Memory Book." Stay tuned!




Looking back …


Can you believe it’s been 60 years since our graduation? The 60-year reunion will be held October 14 - 16, 2022 in Bethesda, at the AC Bethesda Hotel Downtown.


Join us virtually or in-person for a fun-filled weekend of reconnecting with your B-CC classmates of 1962. Here are our current plans, beginning Friday, October 14.

Book your hotel room at the special group rate for the B-CC High School 60th Reunion


     Friday         3:00pm:  Guided tour of B-CC ... while the outside looks familiar, it's

                                          changed a lot!

                         Meet at the hotel for an early-evening informal cash bar to greet fellow



                        9:45 or noon:  Nostalgic bus tour of Bethesda environs

                        Evening:  Main event, a buffet dinner at the hotel along with a virtual
                                          gathering of  classmates who can't join us in Bethesda


     Sunday     Cash brunch at the hotel to exchange contact information and say goodbye.

See the "Events" page for more details and to purchase your tickets to attend ... or click on the 'Buy Tickets Online Now' button in the top-right corner of this page.  .




If you’ve kept in touch with any of our classmates over the years, please let them know about the 60-year reunion. There are some we’ve lost touch with since the 50th. And there are about 160 of us 1962 B-CC graduates we never did find 10 years ago. 


Thank you from the 60-Year Reunion Committee,

Ainslee (Harris) Sadler 

Bill Joseph 

Bill Moyer

Butch Helsing

Carolyn Bryant 

Jeanne Smith 

Jocelyn Trueblood 

Ken Lavine 

Linnea (Brown) Dayton 

Rick Kramer 

Scott Ferguson 




Looking further back…


This website was originally created by a committee of classmates serving as the organizers of the 50-year reunion, to promote interaction among our classmates. The website was popular, so we decided to keep it going after that reunion. Now, 10 years later, you’ll find profiles of your classmates here, along with messages from many of them, descriptions of reunion events, and photographs old and new. 


The 50-Year Reunion 

Looking back to the 50-year class reunion, we had a wonderful get-together in Bethesda the weekend of November 16 and 17, 2012. The first gathering was Friday evening at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda, and then on Saturday we toured a much-renovated B-CC in the morning and went on a walking tour of Bethesda in the afternoon. The main event was Saturday night at the hotel, where about 190 of us, classmates and spouses, enjoyed talk and food throughout the evening. Sunday morning we had breakfast to recap our time together.



Did you know that at the time of the 50-year reunion there were at least 75 Class of 1962
B-CC alums living in the western states — 34 in California alone? It's a long way to Bethesda from there. So a West-Coast Mini-Event was held on September 15, 2013, for those who didn’t make the main event in Bethesda, and to give those who did attend the 50th a chance to meet again. Richard Lane hosted this "51st" at his home in Hillsborough, California, just south of San Francisco and only a few miles from the SF Airport.  To view a video of this event, go to: 


The West-Coast Mini-Event was so much fun that Rich hosted a "52nd" as well, on August 31, 2014. And other Minis were held in other parts of the country. 

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